Let me be still and listen...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Whole grain cereal

Interestingly enough before I found out that JJunior needs a special diet I started reading the following book: Super Baby Food. It was recommended to me by a friend, (who actually has a blog herself and I will include a link to it as soon as I got her ok for it;0)) after my daughter was born and at the time I started making my own rice cereal. But aside from that I soon went back to my "old ways" and didn't pay much more attention to different cooking ideas.

Recently I have been getting more and more aware of what we are actually eating and what is REALLY in all that processed food from the store. Among many interesting and helpful infos, recipes and newer healthier ideas for your kids food, the book contains some inside on what happens when grains get processed for instance. It opened my eyes, to what all is being done to our food before we pick it up at the store. All the good stuff is taken out, all the minerals, vitamins, fibers are gone...we might as well eat paper I felt. Empty calories! I now rather eat regular sugared and oiled pancakes, which contain whole wheat, with extra wheat germ and Brewer's yeast to enhance the content. It means more calories, but those calories are actually healthier and better for you, then a low fat pancake which is made from white (empty) flower, fake or no sugar...Anyway, I am being opinionated here and I do not want to hurt anybody's feelings, everyone has their own tastes and what works for me, may not work for you. So please do not feel offended if you disagree.

As you can tell, between the dairy and soy free challenge, and me trying to change my(our) eating or at least cooking habits made the last few months interesting and challenging to say the least! Here was my first attempt to a healthier baby, thanks to the above mentioned book:http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=superbabyfood&x=0&y=0

 I take a quarter cup of whole brown rice and grind it in the blender for 2 minutes.
I put it the powder in boiling water, about one and a half cups of it.

I cook the rice water mix for 10 minutes. Then I mix it with a fruit of my choice and feed it to my boy. The rest I keep in the fridge for a few days in a bowl, so we do not use too much plastic which could leek other unwanted ingredients into my baby food.

Obviously I am taking some shortcuts here, I could puree and cook all organic fruits too and freeze them and use them to safe money. Yes the organic fruits, especially the baby food are very expensive. But for now I am a little out of time and patience. You have to start somewhere and move along at your own speed, I think. Don't ever beat yourself down. Be patient with yourself. You do the best you can everyday. ;0) Namaste. Romy

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